Top 5 ways NPQs make a Splash in Schools!
Annabel Brown – NPQ Lead
The educational landscape thrives on strong leadership. National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are like diving boards, propelling aspiring and current school leaders to excel. But how exactly do NPQs make a positive impact on schools? Let’s take the plunge and explore the top 5 ways NPQs create ripples of positive change!
- Leadership Sharpened: From Theory to Action
NPQs aren’t just textbooks and lectures: They equip leaders with practical tools! Participants hone their skills in areas like curriculum design, innovative teaching methods, and fostering a positive school culture. This translates to stronger decision-making, improved communication, and a more strategic approach to school improvement. Learn more about NPQ courses offered at Alban TSH:
- Student Success: A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
Strong leadership has a direct impact on classrooms. When leaders participate in NPQs, they gain a deeper understanding of effective teaching practices. This translates to a focus on differentiated instruction, meeting individual student needs, and igniting a love of learning. Schools with NPQ leaders often report improved student engagement, higher attainment, and a more dynamic learning environment.
- Staff Development: Investing in the Team
NPQs go beyond individual leaders – they foster a culture of continuous professional development in the Golden Thread of teacher development. Collaboration and peer learning create a sense of community and shared responsibility for student success. Leaders who have participated in NPQs are better equipped to mentor and support their staff, creating a positive and growth-oriented environment for all educators.
- Evidence-Based Impact
Research paints a clear picture: NPQs are linked to positive school outcomes. Studies (including, ‘Emerging findings from the NPQ evaluation’), show a connection between schools with NPQ leaders and improved student progress and aim to reduce teacher turnover. These findings highlight the significant return on investment that NPQs offer for schools seeking to create a thriving learning environment.
- Shaping the Future: A Continuous Journey
The recent revisions to the NPQ implementation guidance emphasise measurable impact, increased flexibility, and enhanced collaborative learning. This ensures NPQs remain relevant and continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of education in England. By investing in leadership development, the education system empowers schools to unlock every student’s full potential.
Ready to make a splash? Explore NPQs to see how they can transform your school and register with the DfE and Alban TSH:
- DfE Registration: Create a DfE Identity account or sign in if you have one. Choose your desired NPQ and select Alban TSH as your Lead Provider. They’ll ask for your Teacher Reference Number (TRN) during registration, even if you’re not a teacher.
- Alban TSH Application: After registering with DfE, you will also need to submit an application to Alban TSH for your chosen programme.
Additional Resources:
- Department for Education – National Professional Qualifications:
- Alban Teaching School Hub: