National Professional Qualifications Registrations

Registrations – open now – please choose Alban TSH as your local delivery partner

The Alban TSH is a delivery partner for the NPQs. For most of the NPQs we will be working in partnership with Best Practice Network & Outstanding Leaders Partnership and the National Institute of Teaching.

Applying for NPQs and the Early Headship Coaching Offer (other than the NPQLPM, NPQLL or NPQEYL)

The online registration forms are linked via an ‘Apply Now’ button found on the right side of each of the individual programme pages on the website

Applicants must register a profile before getting through to the application form itself. This will enable you to save and return to a draft application.

When completing the registration form, under the ‘Engagement Route’ tab select Alban Teaching School Hub in the drop down menu.

For more information contact

Applying for the new NPQ in Leading Primary Maths (NPQLPM), NPQLL or NPQEYL

To apply for the NPQ in Leading Primary Maths, NPQLL and NPQEYL we have partnered with the National Institute of Teaching. To apply for these NPQs please click here selecting Alban TSH as the NPQ Campus preference.

Spring 2025 applications now open.  Apply now to secure your place.