Appropriate Body Services – Overview and Costs
The Alban Teaching School Hub is an Appropriate Body for Early Career Teachers based in St. Albans. We provide support and quality assurance of the ECT Induction process for ECTs in England and work primarily but not exclusively, with schools in South Hertfordshire including Watford, Hertsmere, St. Albans, Harpenden, Dacorum, Welwyn and Three Rivers. We work with schools to ensure that their ECT assessment processes are robust, fair and consistent to ensure that all ECTs have the best opportunities to meet all the Teachers’ Standards at the end of their induction period. We will also provide Fidelity Checks to support schools who choose to deliver DfE accredited materials directly or design and deliver their own ECF programme.
Our experienced Senior Advisory Team provides both support and guidance for Induction Tutors and Headteachers during induction. We pride ourselves on providing a service of Teachers for Teachers which ensures guidance is both current and relevant to the context of every school.
Costs 2024/25
£225 per ECT per year of induction for schools using a training provider to deliver ECF-based training.
For schools using the DfE-accredited materials to deliver ECF-based training and schools designing and delivering their own training programme based on the ECF, please contact us directly for further information on associated fees.
The Appropriate Body have been very helpful and reliable with support and advice. My contact is approachable, knowledgeable and always timely with her response to whatever query I may have – however big or small! I feel that the Appropriate Body help me to confidently support the ECTs in my school.
When it comes to support of ECT induction I have found Alban TSH to be efficient in their response to any queries and if they cannot help resolve issues will always signpost to the relevant colleagues. I have been able to build a rapport with individuals at the hub over the years and this has served our school well. Their regular newsletters and timely reminders of what needs attention are always welcome.
Having an AB link from the Alban TSH as our named personal contact has been extremely helpful. She has been on hand to answer any queries I have had as an Induction Tutor and has provided good advice and clarification when needed. She was quick to make contact with us at the start of the academic year and has responded promptly to any questions we have had. It has been reassuring to know she is just at the end of an email when needed – thank you!
I have worked with Alban TSH as an Appropriate Body for the last 2 years and shall continue to do so. Information is provided to schools well in advance of any deadlines and in a variety of formats; webinars to present new information, meetings and newsletter etc . Consistent across all is the clarity of information. When necessary I have found Alban TSH incredibly easy to approach, emails are responded to very promptly there is always a person at the end of the phone to answer urgent queries. When specific statutory support has been required, this has been provided with efficiency and a clear process which supports both the individual and the school. Appropriate Body assessment processes are managed effectively through an online portal which is very straightforward to access.