Supporting your skills-based workforce in Early Years
We are delighted to work in partnership with Best Practice Network to offer EYFS apprenticeship qualifications to support your workforce development in the Early Years sector.
Please select Alban Education as your delivery partner when registering.
Click here for the Best Practice Guide to Early Years and Education Training Programmes
How is it delivered?
- This programme has monthly start dates – it does not run as per the typical academic year. Work is submitted using Bud, the cutting-edge online platform, which is easy to use and includes login access for employers to keep track of their apprentice’s progress.
Delivery includes:
- Monthly online training events to deliver Knowledge elements
- Half termly review meetings with Apprenticeship Tutor
- Regular Observations with Apprenticeship Tutor/mentor to evidence skills
- Witness statements to evidence behaviours
What are the benefits?
Early Years Educators work with and care for children from birth to 5 years. They play a massive role in supporting children to have the best start to their education.
Early Years Educator apprentices learn how to:
- Support and promote children’s early education and development
- Plan and provide effective care, teaching and learning that enables children to progress and prepares them for school
- Make accurate and productive use of assessment
- Develop effective and informed practice
- Safeguard and promote the health, safety and welfare of children
- Work in partnership with the key person, colleagues, parents and/or carers or other professionals
- And you’re entitled to a TOTUM student discount card
On successful completion of your apprenticeship, you will be awarded the Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprenticeship, the NCFE Diploma for the Early Years Workforce (EYE), and the Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid OR Level 3 Award Emergency Paediatric First Aid. The early years educator level 3 standard meets the early years educator (EYE) criteria. Apprentices will achieve an EYE qualification which has been approved to count towards the EYFS level 3 child: staff ratios.