About Us
Whole School SEND is a national organisation that brings together schools, colleges, organisations and individuals who are committed to ensuring that every child and young person with SEND can maximise their potential.
Universal SEND Services programme*
Funded by the Department for Education (DfE), the programme brings together support for SEND in schools with support for SEND across further education, with the ambition of improving preparation for adulthood from the earliest years in a seamless, joined up way.
Supporting teachers at all stages of their career is what drives our work. Please see below two specific strands of work available to you:
These are two examples of how our programme can align with and complement your own offer of support by providing a guided opportunity to put research into practice and use evidence to improve classroom practice and school leadership.
Since it’s funded by DfE, this offer is free to access – please therefore share widely with your community so more of the workforce are supported to develop high quality inclusive practice, and more children and young people benefit.
*Universal SEND Services is delivered by nasen through Whole School SEND with the Education and Training Foundation, who support teachers and leaders across the Further Education and Training sector, and the Autism Education Trust, who have a successful history of supporting and informing education professionals about autism.
Contact Us
If you would like to find out more about any of our work, you can join our community of members for free or follow us on Twitter @WSSscnwlon.
Katherine Walsh, Becky Jones and Matt McArthur Regional SEND Leaders
South Central England and Northwest London