National Professional Qualifications Overview
In Autumn 2021 the Department of Education introduced a new and updated suite of NPQs to offer the best possible support to teachers and leaders to help them become more effective teachers and leaders inside and outside the classroom.
There are now five leadership NPQs available:
- Senior Leadership
- Headship
- Executive Leadership
- Early Years Leadership
- and the new Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)
Note that there is also an Early Headship Coaching Offer, see below for more details.
There are now five specialist NPQs:
- Leading Teacher Development
- Leading Behaviour and Culture
- Leading Teaching
- Leading Literacy
- Leading Primary Mathematics
Watch the following videos to find out more about the Leading Primary Maths NPQ and how an NPQ can help you develop professionally.
For more detailed information on our suite of NPQs visit here:
Early Headship Coaching Offer (Previously known as the ‘Additional Support Offer for New Headteachers’)
Applications are now open for the next cohort of the Additional Support Offer for New Headteachers. The application window will close on the 8th October.
This DfE fully funded unassessed support programme provides a great opportunity for new headteachers within their first two years of headship who have done an NPQH or are currently doing NPQH to follow a personalised pathway of support activities. Options include one to one leadership coaching, learning networks, access to a library of latest research and ‘core business’ recordings about practical aspects of headship. Attached you will find a programme overview, alternatively visit the Best practice webpage or contact for more information.