Appropriate Body Services – Contacts and Links
Alban TSH Appropriate Body Services Named Contacts
The named contacts for general queries at Alban TSH are:
Victoria Angel
Maria Santos-Richmond
Your Senior Advisory Team member will be able to advise on specific queries, once you are registered with us.
ECT Manager
Progress reviews and formal assessments are completed on the ECT Manager online system by the Induction Tutor. ECTs and Headteachers will also have access to ECT Manager. The Alban TSH ECT Manager system can be accessed via this link
There are user manuals in the helpdesk section for how to register an ECT, how to complete a Progress Review and how to complete a Formal Assessment.
Department for Education
Guidance on statutory induction, training and support for ECTs and the expected responsibilities of schools can be accessed here.
Teaching Regulation Agency
For any general queries regarding statutory induction, please email the TRA at
QTS and Induction certificates may be obtained by individual teachers through the TRA Teacher Self Service website. This website allows teachers to view their teacher record, obtain QTS and induction certificates, update personal details, download and print a letter confirming their teacher qualifications and input employment details
It is recommended that ECTs give serious consideration to joining a union. The teacher unions provide a range of CPD opportunities and, when necessary, individual confidential support and advice.